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Powerful Chess Opening for Black Against 1.e4 [TRAPS Included]

Remote Chess Academy 240,152 lượt xem 2 years ago
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🔹 CRUSH the French Defense as White - Every Move is a TRAP! -

Many chess players want to improve their chess skills with intense preparation only a week or two before their important tournament. Unfortunately, it is not possible to elevate one's chess skill in such a short period of time..

Nevertheless, GM Igor Smirnov usually recommends this: if there are any weaknesses in your opening repertoire, you can cover that quickly. In this video lesson, he teaches you an opening system that you can learn in just 15 minutes! It is a solid, powerful, and universal chess opening for Black against 1.e4.

It is a solid system in the French Defense which happens after the first moves 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5. You will learn to overcome one of the main problems of the French Defense, which is to develop the light-squared bishop. This system gives you a solid position and also comes with some really cool traps!

► Chapters

00:00 Universal Chess Opening for Black After 1.e4
00:47 French Defense: 1.e4 e6
01:58 Main idea: Developing the c8-bishop
03:07 Beware of this trap
05:49 Tip: Old rule of Capablanca
08:00 Can you find the winning move?
08:25 Common trap White falls for
10:17 Advance variation: 3.e5
14:13 Really cool trap, sudden tactics

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