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00:00 : intro
01:25 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:42 : mulai memasak (start of cook)
05:28 : mulai membuat sambal cuka (making the vinegar Sambal)
08:22 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)
Nasi Kebuli merupakan menu khas Timur Tengah dengan ciri bumbu yang gurih karena dimasak menggunakan daging kambing, kaldu kambing, dan susu kambing. Kali ini aku akan share resep yang jauh lebih praktis namun tetap enak, menggunakan daging ayam dan dengan rice cooker. Aroma wangi rempah dan gurihnya nasi cocok disajikan untuk acara spesial keluarga.
Resep Nasi Kebuli Ayam Rice Cooker
600 gr beras long grain
50 ml susu Greenfields
450 ml air
2 sdm pasta tomat
1 sdm kaldu bubuk
500 gr paha ayam fillet
5 buah cengkeh
12 buah kapulaga
1/2 buah pala
1 batang kayu manis
3 lembar bay leaf / daun salam
Kismis sesuai selera
Bawang goreng sesuai selera
Bumbu Kebuli:
100 ml susu Greenfields
2 sdm Ghee / minyak samin / margarin
2-3 sdt garam
1 sdm gula
Bahan bumbu halus:
6 bawang putih
10 bawang merah
1 bawang bombai kecil
4 cm jahe
5 cabe keriting hijau
3 cabe keriting merah
1-2 sdt ketumbar
1-2 sdt jinten
1-2 sdt lada putih
1 batang serai
50 ml minyak goreng
Bahan Sambal Cuka:
6 buah cabe keriting merah
8-15 buah cabe rawit
2 siung bawang putih
1 sdm cuka
1 sdm gula
1/2 sdt garam
4 sdm air mineral
Langkah :
1. Blender bumbu halus, lalu tumis hingga harum dan kering
2. Masukkan Ghee, aduk rata
3. Masukkan susu Greenfields, aduk rata
4. Bumbui dengan garam dan gula, aduk rata
5. Masukkan setengah bumbu ke ayam, aduk rata. Simpan sisanya setelah nasi matang
6. Masukkan beras, air, susu, cengkeh, kapulaga, pala, kayu manis, bay leaf / daun salam, ayam berbumbu, pasta tomat, kaldu bubuk ke dalam rice cooker. Ingat jangan diaduk. Masak hingga semuanya matang
7. Buat sambal cuka. Ulek cabai merah, cabai rawit, bawang putih, garam, dan gula. Setelah diulek tambahkan cuka dan air, aduk rata
8. Setelah nasi matang, pisahkan ayam, masukkan sisa bumbu ke dalam nasi
9. Tambahkan kismis dan bawang goreng, lalu aduk rata
10. Goreng ayam atau bisa juga langsung disajikan
11. Nasi Kebuli Ayam Rice Cooker siap disajikan dengan sambal cuka, emping, dan timun.
Middle-Eastern Signature Dish: Rice Cooker Chicken Indonesian Pilaf Recipe
Nasi Kebuli (Indonesian Pilaf) is one of the signature dishes from Middle East. The characteristic of this dish is its strong spice flavor as it is cooked with lamb, lamb stock, and lamb milk. I'm sharing a recipe that is using chicken and rice cooker, yet still delicious. The spices' aroma and the savory rice is so perfect for your family.
Rice Cooker Chicken Nasi Kebuli (Indonesian Pilaf) Recipe
600 g long-grain rice
50 ml Greenfields milk
450 ml water
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 tbsp stock powder
500 g chicken thigh fillet
5 cloves
12 cardamom
1/2 nutmeg
1 cinnamon
3 bay leaves
Raisins, to taste
Fried shallots, to taste
Kebuli Ingredients:
100 ml Greenfields milk
2 tbsp Ghee / margarine / butter
2-3 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
Spice Blend Ingredients:
6 clove garlic
10 shallots
1 small onion
1.5 inch ginger
5 pc curly green chili
3 pc curly red chili
1-2 tsp coriander
1-2 tsp cumin
1-2 tsp white pepper
1 lemongrass
50 ml cooking oil
Vinegar Sambal Ingredients:
6 pc red curly red chili
8-15 pc bird's eye chili
2 clove garlic
1 tbsp vinegar
1 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
4 tbsp water
1. Blend the spices and sauté until fragrant and reduced.
2. Add the Ghee. Mix well.
3. Add the Greenfields milk. Mix well.
4. Season with salt and sugar. Mix well.
5. Add half the spice blend into the chicken and mix well. Keep the rest to mix with the cooked rice.
6. Add the rice, water, milk, clove, cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, bay leaves, seasoned chicken, tomato paste, and stock powder into the rice cooker. Remember, do not stir. Turn on the rice cooker and let them cook.
7. Make the Vinegar Sambal. Mash the red chili, bird's eye chili, garlic, salt, and sugar. After they are mashed, add vinegar and water. Mix well.
8. After the rice is cooked, set the chicken aside. Add the rest of the spice blend into the rice.
9. Add raisins and fried shallots. Mix well.
10. Fry the chicken or serve them as is.
11. Rice Cooker Chicken Nasi Kebuli is ready to serve with Vinegar Sambal, Emping, and cucumber.
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