Interested in a scholarly response to Ancient Apocalypse Season 2 on Netflix with Graham Hancock and Keanu Reeves? We've got you covered here. With Professor John Hoopes (University of Kansas), we discuss the #realarchaeology of the Americas with a focus on topics we expect Graham Hancock to cover in season 2. Prebunking not debunking
Thanks so much to Dr Hoopes for the interview, lecture slides, and bibliography. Thanks to Jonida Martini for editing and graphic design.
0:01:16 John's background and goals of this conversation
0:05:42 Peoples in Ice Age Americas. Pre-Clovis, Clovis, and more
0:24:34 Early exploration and ideas about archaeology in the Americas, and why it matters
0:37:49 Percy Fawcett in South America: Machu Picchu, Cusco, Tiwanaku, and more
0:53:20 Modern research in the Americas: on-the-ground surveys, aerial photos, and LIDAR
1:04:56 Astroarchaeology and astronomical alignments
1:06:07 Interdisciplinary approaches and public outreach
1:11:20 Archaeoastronomy, astrononomical alignments, and the Maya calendar
1:18:45 "Lost cities" of the Upanto Valley, Ecuador
1:24:15 Landscape modification and agriculture in the Amazon and South America
1:37:47 Community archaeology and descendant communities in the Americas
1:43:29 John and colleague's research in the Caribbean and Costa Rica
1:52:40 The Big Conclusion
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