主要是教導各位草莓種植過程所需注意到的是項 , 避免大家多走冤枉路 , 如想要有更詳細的解說 , 可至我的BLOG , 我會將連結放在下方連結處 , 內容涵蓋了草莓種植時間、草莓盆器選擇、草莓土壤選擇、草莓肥水管理、草莓葉片管理、草莓環境選擇等等小細節....
The main purpose is to teach you what you need to pay attention to during the strawberry planting process, so as to prevent you from going wrong. If you want a more detailed explanation, you can go to my BLOG, I will put the link at the link below, the content covers Strawberry planting time, strawberry pot selection, strawberry soil selection, strawberry fertilizer and water management, strawberry leaf management, strawberry environment selection and other small details...
天台有木有BLOG : https://treenerdbalcony.com/strawberry-planting/
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You’re free to use this song in any of your videos, but you must include the following in your video description (Copy & Paste):
Song: Ikson - New Day (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.