Chemigation and fertigation are the most common applications for Mazzei venturi injectors in the agriculture market. Mazzei pioneered this simple-to-use and easy-to-install solution more than 40 years ago.
The process of injecting chemicals (chemigation) or liquid fertilizers (fertigation) into a pressurized irrigation system is inexpensive and easy with high-efficiency Mazzei injectors which deliver precise mixing and uniform distribution of material into the water stream.
Mazzei injectors are designed for vacuum transfer of irrigation chemicals, providing additional chemigation safety.
During this webinar you will learn:
4 R’s of plant nutrient stewardship
Basics of Fertigation
Requirements for “Better Fertigation”
How does a Venturi system works?
Advantages of using a Venturi system versus a positive displacement pump
Tools to size an injector for your application
Injection system automation options
Proportional feed fertigation