Last winter, we took in a VERY pregnant, very young stray cat so she can give birth to her babies (& raise them) in our home! It was an incredible experience that I will forever cherish, as it sprung my into the wonderful world of kitten fostering 😊
This video follows the last 3 days of Lady's pregnancy, her long labor, and the beginning of the birth.
Hope you enjoyed this video! Let me know your guesses below on how many kittens she had :)
Products I used (affiliate links)
Sofa cover:
Puppy pads:
0:00 Intro
1:05 Three days until birth
2:35 Two days until birth
3:57 Maternity pics
4:56 Day of birth!
5:28 House Hunters
6:39 Labor
8:05 Pushing begins
10:00 It's happening!
Lady was a pregnant stray whom we took in to foster. She and her kittens were all eventually spayed/neutered before going to their forever homes. Please don't breed your cats-- there are already SO may homeless cats in the world ❤️