😋 Instagram: cosy__2.88_
😋 비즈니스 문의 : [email protected]
여러분 안녕하세요~!🤗 코지입니다.
새로운 영상은 매주 월요일과 목요일 밤 10시에 업로드하려고 노력하고 있습니다.^_^
오늘은 달콤한 초코탕이 땡겨서 초코 파티를 열어봤습니다.ㅎㅎ
꾸덕 꾸덕한 초콜릿 홀 케이크에 맛있는 초콜릿 과자들을 잔뜩 부어서 우유 말먹까지 제대로 판을 벌렸다구요!!!ㅎㅎ
그럼 오늘도 시청해주셔서 정말 감사합니다.
언제나 안전하고 행복하시길 바랄게요.🧡
******메뉴 & 가격******
:: 빌리엔젤
쇼콜라봉봉 케이크 : 47,000원 .
#초콜릿디저트먹방 #케이크먹방 #디저트asmr
😋 Instagram: cosy__2.88_
😋 Business inquiries: [email protected]
Hello Friends! This is Cosy.🤗
I am trying to upload a new video every Monday and Thursday night 10pm.^_^
Today, I wanted to eat sweet chocolate dessert, so I held a chocolate party.
A lot of delicious chocolate snacks were poured onto the sticky chocolate whole cake and even milk was added.
I was really happy~!
Then thank you very much for watching today.
To make better videos, I will always do my best~🧡
And Hope you are always Healthy and happy.
******Menu & Price******
:: Billy Angel
Chocolat Cake: $47
Song : Hyerin Lee - Tongtong
Data source: https://gongu.copyright.or.kr
Music promoted by DayDreamSound : https://youtu.be/1EjTsqD5w0s
CC-BY 3.0 https://goo.gl/Y8U8b9
Song : ANΩ - Ooh
Contact : [email protected]
Music Download Link [DayDreamSound] : https://youtu.be/MJ-Xm-KX-y4