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Prerana & Preeti | Mirchi Unpopular Opinion | Mirchi Mohor | Ep - 3 | @I.preranadas @PrettySheis

Mirchi Bangla 8,736 11 months ago
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Join Mirchi Mohor as she chats with viral influencers, influencer turned actor Preeti Sarkar, and influencer Prerana Das at Preeti's home, which also houses PreetiZen - Preeti's customised clothing brand. PreetiZen - Influencer Preeti Sarkar is someone who has always had a knack for fashion and has studied it as well. She has always dreamt of being a businesswoman by the age of 21 and hence has given birth to this homegrown customised clothing brand. The guests in today's episode have a viral relationship with social media. The successful influencers from Bengal began their journeys from the outskirts of Kolkata. Preeti Sarkar - this Gen Z from Murshidabad studied fashion and wanted to be an actor forever. With viral reels of various personas being her forte, this girl not from Cal also has a Tollywood film in her bag! Prerana Das - This girl from Sodepur began her influencer journey by making makeup tutorial videos on YouTube. Later she explored her comical side on Instagram and went viral for being real and relatable. Often trolled because of her shrill voice, Prerana doesn't care about these people who talk behind her, and Preeti, often trolled for her versatile and bold content, prefers to shut them! These fireball women are fearless and don't hesitate when they say, "If this doesn't work, we can do something else." We are focused and work-driven individuals who like spending time with oneself because that gives exposure to think better content. Mirchi Mohor's takeaway was how women's friendships are not Catfighting and toxic but are relieving and so less celebrating ! Here's to more viral .. Not fever but women influencers! #mirchi #mirchibangla #mirchitshot #mirchiplus #mirchimohor #preeti #prerana #mirchiunpopularopinion #unpopularopinion #mirchibangla #mirchi #mirchiplus #mirchiunpopularopinion #powercouple #mirchi #mirchiplus #unpopularopinion #boldchoices #podcast #kolkatavlog #kolkata #latestinterview #actors #actress #bengalipodcast #legacy #kolkatavlog #mirchiunpopularopinion #mirchiplus #mirchibangla #creators #creatorsofbengal #creatorsofbangla Enjoy and stay connected with us!! Subscribe to us : Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram
