🔻 === D O W N L O A D S === 🔻
Bandcamp (w/ instr & acca): https://princewhateverer.bandcamp.com/album/darkness-calling
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/74xTe5aMs6oR8IHuCZQol5?si=W-qGoOG-ScGaSFYrrMqo4g
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/gb/album/darkness-calling-feat-melodybrony/1791349285?i=1791349286
Amazon: https://amazon.co.uk/music/player/albums/B0DT892PY3?marketplaceId=A1F83G8C2ARO7P&musicTerritory=GB&ref=dm_sh_2iIUTS3nMZFtnMaJNdHaRAQDx
YT Music: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=WSJF1bBQpXA&si=lSCwwqNHacewRQNA
🔽 === A B O U T === 🔽
Tamers's really does have a goddamn vice grip on my brain lmaooo HOWEVER you can totally take this is as a more broad Cadance vs Chrysalis song!
MelodyBrony and I wrote most of this while he was visiting for Camp Equestria last year and it just materialised, we were in the flow state for sure lmao
ALSO I'm super proud to say this is my first video featuring my own art/animations! All the non-tamers stuff is MEEE!!! AAAA
✅ === C R E D I T S === ✅
🎥 Original video series by Tamers12345!
YT: https://youtu.be/DI5QGrm4pSA
Tw: https://x.com/TheTamers12345
🎹 Original synth line and other lil pieces by MelodyBrony!!
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ELPrq6m-_JHj6y-C6GLrw
Twt: https://x.com/MelodyBrony
🎵 === O T H E R R E L A T E D B A N G E R S === 🎵
Thrack - A Spark and its Sway: https://youtu.be/F3HvLoLbrNY
MelodyBrony - Shattered Love: https://youtu.be/C3YJJQEbC14
👕 === P A T R E O N === 👕
If you enjoy these lil songs/videos I put out please consider supporting on Patreon!
I hate to actively ask but the cost to produce these videos increases with every release and it's kicking my ass xD
✍ === L Y R I C S === ✍
The dust and smoke subsides
Wipe the ashes from your eyes
ponies like you never learn
But now the queen has returned
Don't trust in lovers and lies
Look into my eyes
I am the shadows falling
Can't you hear the darkness calling
Crystal princess don't you see
Your kingdom belongs to me
An unfamiliar place
Wipe the bloodstains from your face
You're fighting a losing war
But is it worth dying for
With so much blood on your hooves
How could he love you
I am the shadows falling
Can't you hear the darkness calling
Crystal princess don't you see
Everything belongs to me
Now draw your sword for one last time
Right or wrong the blade decides
Oh crystal princess don't you know
The depths a queen like me will go
Look into my eyes
I am the shadows falling
Listen to the darkness calling
Cadence, Princess, Crystal heart
I will tear your world apart
Now draw your sword for one last time
Right and wrong are made up lies
Oh princess push me you will see
How cruel a Changeling queen can be
💬 === S O C I A L S === 💬
TWITCH ►► https://www.twitch.tv/prince_whateverer
DISCORD ►► https://discord.gg/8F4yWS6
TWITTER ►► https://twitter.com/PWhateverer
#mlp #brony #Tamers12345