All clips used in this video are from solo q
Gameplay and edits by me:3
Item guide at 10:20 is made by @sireplays
My discord: https://discord.gg/KeuPBtKSK3
——————Content of the video——————
00:00 - Intro
00:09 - Rotation
02:12 - Gank
02:24 - Turtle
03:49 - Invade
05:54 - Trade
06:32 - Focus
07:11 - Decision making
07:58 - Teamfight
09:21 - Lord
————————-Music credit————————
Intro song:
Outro song:
————————Tags to ignore————————
#jungle #mlbb #mlbbguide #mlbbexe #ml #jungleguide #retribution #mobilelegends
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#mcc_0421sg (for Singaporean CC)
#mcc_0421en (for English CC)
Gameplay, Jungle gameplay, Tutorial, Build reveal, Fast hand montage, Jungle 2023, Jungle new update, Best jungle guide, Mlbb tricks 2023, jJ guide, Jungler guide, Mlbb jungle guide, How to play jungle, How to jungle, How to jungle mlbb, Best Jungler, How to fast find, MOBILE LEGENDS WTF MOMENTS, Mlbb memes, Mobile legends memes, Tiktok freestyle, Fast hand movements, Pro player guide, Pro Jungler, Kairi mlbb, Kairi onic, Mpl pro player, Mpl kairi, Mobazane, Best hero for solo q, Best Jungler for solo q, Best jungle for solo q, Fast farming mlbb, Fast farming, High rank mlbb, High rank, Mythical glory, Mythical Honor, Epical glory, Montage, Ml gameplay