Procreate Handlettering on the iPad Pro Tutorial for Beginners | How I Use Procreate for Lettering
Let's learn procreate lettering! This beginner friendly tutorial shows you the basics of procreate or iPad lettering using the Apple Pencil! Click "show more" for timestamps & links! Join my free 7 day handlettering course here:
02:40 Setting up your canvas in procreate
4:12 Brushes in the procreate app
6:40 Using gestures in procreate
7:27 How to use the streamline feature for smooth handlettering
10:28 Brush lettering with the procreate app
11:57 How to use layers in procreate
14:12 Using the procreate tools to move around your handlettering
17:34 Colors in the procreate app
18:54 How to create a blended look in your handlettering
20:10 How to create a drop shadow in your handlettering
23:35 How to create color palettes
27:00 How to change the interface settings in procreate
27:35 Typing text into procreate
29:38 How to make animated gifs in procreate
The Ultimate iPad Lettering Tutorial for Beginners Blog Post:
h e l p f u l l i n k s:
- Free 7 day handlettering course:
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- Get my printable handlettering worksheets: (Use code 10THINGS2020 for 20% off)
- Join my membership community:
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- My Dreambox links: Dreambox Code: HOWTOHANDLETTER (*aff link)
- My Favorite Supplies:
s o c i a l m e d i a: (handlettering) (personal)
#handlettering #handwriting #calligraphy
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