Line 5 Heretic – window on the 2nd floor of the house, behind closed curtains. People who can bring practical answers in times of crisis. A deep need for privacy.
Influence the collective, Universalization, practical (hero through practicality), aware, can be paranoid because of projection, wants attention from others, capacity to universalize. Projection inward (receives), projection is seductive, projection is not what’s real – like the savior sought after.
This is not the foundation of the hexagram but how the world sees it! The fifth line is always projected on that it has something of value. Wehether it does or not it must only put out what is practical otherwise it will be punished by those who projected on it! It has its greatest influence over strangers rather than those it knows. Remember - no body can see the fifth line. They are hidden, mysterious, behind the curtian. They are here to call the other and when they deliver the practical - then they end up with universal influence.
The fifth line says: What do you want? What are you projecting one me that I can do for you?
Line 1 Investigator – Foundation of the house
Investigator, insecure until they have a solid foundation and then may become an authority, introspective – will listen in order to learn, research and study driven, secure foundation for what can be spread tribally, fundamentals/ details.
Always represents the essence of the Hexagram! It is the foundation of the whole house. They are only involved with themselves. Do not have great social skills. All first lines are looking inward to find the basis of things. If a first line cannot study or be educated, they will always feel inferior. The first line must be an authority - and stand on a solid foundation. The first line says: "I am studying and I don't even know you are there!"