When 17-year-old Claire Crawford went into sudden cardiac arrest during a high school volleyball game, she was fortunate to have trained teachers and staff there to save her life.
As Claire's family learned more about her previously undiagnosed heart condition, they also learned the incident occurred in the best case scenario. She needed to go into V-fib in a place where people could quickly respond and have access to a working AED, and where she would be surrounded by people who were prepared to access vital signs and start CPR.
Learn More:
Project SAVE: https://www.choa.org/medical-services/heart-center/project-save-program
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Heart Center: https://www.choa.org/heart
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Homepage: https://www.choa.org
Find a Doctor: https://www.choa.org/search?tab=doctors&ran=19
Find a Location: https://www.choa.org/search?q=&tab=locations&zip=
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