Hey Lovelies! This video is about 5 months old! I finally got around to editing it and posting it. I will slowly be getting the “in depth” project shares edited and out shortly. As well as any process videos I have recorded, which is quite a bit. This is some mail I sent out last year to my crafty BFF! Her birthday was in September and we had planned a Garden Party swap, so I included a couple of birthday goodies for her. I wanted to get out the full outgoing first since Stephanie posted a video of her unboxing the mail! If you’d like to see her unboxing video, the video will be linked down below. Be sure to follow her and subscribe to her channel, she has so much inspo you won’t regret it! Thanks for stopping by and I’ll talk to y’all in my next video.
xoxo, Bre
Stephanie unboxing the mail I sent her!
The Most Beautiful Incoming Mail |From @WithLoveBre|: https://youtu.be/_gHKg4OyGsw
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