কানাডা আসতে ব্যাঙ্কে কত টাকা দেখাতে হয়? Proof of Fund for Student Visa in Canada Bangladesh Students
Please email me tomarahman008@gmail.com to get you Statement of Purpose Reviewed. This will be a paid service.
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email: tomarahman008@gmail.com
Watch my other IELTS video:
Hello everyone I am Toma Rahman. I am currently studying at the Memoria University of Newfoundland. I came here to Canada as an International Student in 2019. In this video, I explained a single formula to find out how much money you need to show as Bank Statement in Canada.
If you are interested to learn more about Scholarship and funding opportunities in Canada you can see my other videos.
Cost of Studying in Canada: https://youtu.be/CUvx3WgPLXQ
IELTS tips and Tricks: https://youtu.be/bhcpB6tIO84
How to Write Statement of Purpose: https://youtu.be/f28xFx_XxzA
How to write an Academic CV: https://youtu.be/8wcOBKdb2lc
How to Write Statement of Research Interest: https://youtu.be/TW3dinFkmj0