【PSO2:NGS】 Dark Falz Solus R2 Sign of the Planetbreaker Techter/Bouncer Solo 14:57
I will try and see if there is another way to get this higher quality from my Twitch VoDs but I am not sure if possible :(
I tried so many ways to trim the video but the audio kept getting desynced so I had to use OBS to screen record from Windows Video Player...
I currently do not have my desktop so I could not screen record how I usually do from my PC to Xbox.
I attempted so many times to record directly from my xbox to a USB HDD but the recording kept stopping mid run.
I had to stream to Twitch and from there get the VOD and upload which ruined my first run clear!
My first run I cleared with 14:55 but I forgot to enable VOD on twitch which is why I cannot upload that run unfortunately although I do have a screen shot!
I think the fight is really fun in P1 because of so many counters!
Also being able to do 2 hydras on break is very satisfying and really gave me that push to get my 2nd clear!
I did really enjoy this fight but sometimes I felt its super reliant on whether you Hydra crit or not and the attacks that Soulus does in P2.
Overall although its not my fastest I'm happy I was able to upload a (somewhat viewable..) video! :D
My Gear:
Wingard Wand Blastor 5
Lux Halphinale
Gran Gladia Soul
Glan Gigas Maste
Anaddi Deftmeltech
EX Gradual Pressing R
EX Hysterical Strength X
EX Shortage PP Burn Up X
Wingard Wand Abandac 5 (20/20)
Lux Halphinale
Gran Gladia Soul
Glan Gigas Maste
Anaddi Spimeltech
EX Gradual Pressing R
EX Hysterical Strength X
EX Shortage PP Burn Up X
Ektasis Armor
Meltech Dualble V
Gran Gladia Soul
Lux Halphinale
Glan Gigas Maste
Highret Domina
Grand Dread Keeper II
Anaddi Deftmeltech
Ektasis Armor
Mega Triyal
Gran Gladia Soul
Lux Halphinale
Glan Gigas Maste
Highkvar Domina
Grand Dread Keeper II
Anaddi Deftratech
Ektasis Armor
Mega Triyal S
Gran Gladia Soul S
Lux Halphinale S
Glan Gigas Maste S
Highkvar Domina S
Grand Dread Keeper II
Anaddi Deft Parfait
Also thank you to @AddyThaLaddy for the thumbnail~!