some people asked me to clear masq on bouncer, so i did. this is my 4th and best clear. my experience with bouncer is like, about 4 hours today and that's it. please be gentle uwu.
robust food was used to assist in the skill issue and because i wanted to play etoile.
Akroselio Fatale 5 // Patient Defense, Maintain Balance, Shortage HP Starling, Anaddi(Gua), Larze(Gua), Lux, GDK2
2x Trestasis Vida Guard 5 // Anaddi(Gua), Majis, Glan, Lux, Larze(Gua), Giga, GDK2
1x Akrotasis Vida Guard 5 // Anaddi(Gua), Majis, Glan, Lux, Larze(Gua), Giga, GDK2
Addons: Hu 18, Fi 20, Ra 14, Gu 19, Te 20, Br 20, Sl 19
TACs: Harrier T1 5, Pheasant T1 5, Stork T3 5