NOTE FROM TED: Experiments discussed in this talk should not be performed outside of accredited research settings. Research around psychedelics remains an emerging field field of study. TEDx events are independently organized by volunteers. The guidelines we give organizers are described in more detail here:
David has been researching into Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology for decades. Been published more than 100 academic papers he is one the leading researchers in this field. In this talk he asks us the question to explore the terrain on what the path forward would look like if we try to scientifically study the claims of shamans that are the people who go into an altered state of consciousness at will, in the name of their community, to communicate with the spirits of nature and to transcend time and space and bring back useful information for their community. Such study potentially has important implications not just for understanding the nature of consciousness, but perhaps the nature of time, and maybe the nature of reality itself. David's talk is about Psychedelic parapsychology and the science of shamanism.
Having published more then 100 academic papers is one of the world's leading researchers on psychology of exceptional human experience and nature of altering human consciousness.
His work covers the parapsychology and mysteries of psychedelic plants. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at