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Competitive Singles was once absolutely dominated by the Psychic Type.
In Gen 1, this type was way overtuned with only 1 weakness to the irrelevant Bug type.
As a response to their elite status in Gen 1, Dark and Steel type were introduced to add more Psychic Counterplay into the mix.
Over the years, Psychic type has only gotten worse as Dark and Ghost have risen significantly.
In modern times, Psychic almost feels like an active detriment. Some Psychic types still do rise to the though. Let's explore that concept, yeah.
0:00 Intro
2:53 Gen 1
13:32 Gen 2
21:12 Gen 3
43:09 Gen 4
54:50 Gen 5
1:06:15 Gen 6
1:16:00 Gen 7
1:22:47 Gen 8
1:24:55 Gen 9