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Puja Vol. 2 | Ramkumar Chattopadhyay | Collection of Shyama Sangeet & Bengali Bhaktigeeti | Jukebox

Perennial Records 4,807 9 months ago
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#perennialrecords #ramkumarchatterjee #ramkumarchattopadhyay #devotionalsongs #bengalidevotionalsong #shyamasangeet #shyama_songeet প্রকাশিত হল টপ্পা-সম্রাট শ্রদ্ধেয় শ্রীরামকুমার চট্টোপাধ্যারের কণ্ঠে গীত ১৬টি ভক্তিরসারত্মক ও শ্যামাসংগীতের অনবদ্য আরও একটি সংকলন 'পূজা: দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড'। এই খণ্ডটিতে রয়েছে শিল্পীর কিছু দুষ্প্রাপ্য গান, যা হয়ত ইতিপূর্বে আপনারা শোনেনি। এইভাবেই সঙ্গে থাকুন আমাদের। 01. Pakhi Tui Thik Bose Thak 00:00 02. Thak Thak Thak Tomar Paye 04:48 03. Jog Sadhana Pore Hobe 09:32 04. Mahakali Shyamakali Rakshakali 13:56 05. Amar Khub Hoyechhe Sajbo Na 19:38 06. Machhi Kore Rakhli Mago 25:22 07. Ke Jane Re Ke Jane Bol 29:00 08. Ano Giri Twaray Tara 32:30 09. Mon Chalo Nijo Niketane 36:04 10. Shefali Surobhi Jaga Snigdharate 42:16 11. Ki Diye Pujibo Tomare 46:24 12. Panchami Raat Pohay Giri 50:50 13. Sakoli Tomari Ichchha 55:00 14. Joy Maa Janoni Joy Tarini 57:48 15. Kato Khela Khelchho Go Maa 01:02:25 16. Hari Din To Gelo Sandhya Holo 01:05:42 Album: Puja Vol. 2 Singer: Ramkumar Chattopadhyay Genre: Bengali Devotional Songs (Bhaktigeeti & Shyama Saneet) Lyrics & Composition: Traditional / Various Compilation, Collection & Audio Refurbishment: Shubhajit Sarkar Pom Puja Vol. 2 · Ramkumar Chattopadhyay · Collection of Bengali Devotional Songs Digital Album · 16 Tracks If you love this video, please subscribe to our official YouTube channel: Please follow our official Facebook Page: Follow our official Facebook Account: For further information, Contact our official mail address: [email protected] ©️ ℗ Perennial Records 2024 **ANTI-PIRACY WARNING** All rights are reserved by the producer and owner of this recorded work. Any unauthorized reproduction, copying, public performance, publishing, broadcasting, adapting, synchronizing using wireless diffusion or wire selling, simulcast, webcast, distribution, exhibition, hiring or rental of this recording in any format is strictly prohibited. It shall be punishable under the Copyright Act of 1957.
