#吉胆岛 #浮羅吉膽 #巴生港 #大马旅游
*【吉胆岛】,也叫【浮羅吉膽】* ,或【螃蟹岛】,是位于马来西亚雪兰莪州巴生港海岸外的一个岛屿。吉胆岛位于潮间带,岛上的其余部分由红树林沼泽所组成。
岛上有两个以大马华人为主的渔村,大约建于 1880 年。岛南侧的主要村庄也被称为吉胆岛。东北侧的另一个村庄叫做【五条港】,它的位置在主村的第五个入口处。吉胆岛当地人主要是潮州人和福建人;潮州话、闽南话和普通话是主要的方言。吉胆岛乃远近游客喜欢悠闲游玩和吃海鲜的好去处。一日游或多日游皆宜。
*Pulau Ketam* (Crab Island) is an island located off the coast of Port Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. The island is in the intertidal zone and the rest of the island consists of mangrove swamps.
The island is home to two predominantly Malaysian Chinese fishing villages founded circa 1880. The main village on the southern side of the island is also known as Pulau Ketam. The other village on the northeastern side is called Sungai Lima, its location being at the fifth inlet from the main village. The locals are mainly Teochew and Hokkien Chinese; with Teochew, Hokkien and Mandarin Chinese the main dialects spoken.
South Port Passenger Terminal / Terminal Penumpang South Port
• 地址 Address: Jalan Syahbandar, Pelabuhan Selatan, 42000 Port Klang, Selangor。
背景音乐 Music:
Song: Lichu - Relaxing
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/TcRi8RwpIuM
@大马食游记 @MYFoodAdventure
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• 此频道不是一个权威的 "美食频道",也不是一个明确的大马美食指南,只是普通人分享一路走来的在外饮食经验和遭遇。
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• This YouTube channel documents our visiting and eating experiences throughout Malaysia.
• This channel is not an authoritative "food channel," nor is it a definitive guide to Malaysian cuisine, but simply a way to share experiences and encounters with eating out along the way.
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