पुंडेथ गांव | Pundeth Village | पट्टी गुजडु नैनीडांडा | पौड़ी गढ़वाल🔥Video by @Yash Pahadi .
Pundet Village, Pauri Garhwal
Pundet village is located in Nainidanda block and Dhoomakot tehsil of Pauri Garhwal district. It comes under Panjara Talla gram panchayat. The geographical area of Pundet village is 56.45 heactares.
Population Data of Pundet village, Pauri Garhwal District
Pundet village in Pauri Garhwal district has a total population of 233 comprising of 62 families that reside in Pundet village. The village has a male population of 100 and female population of 133. The sex ratio of Pundet village is 1330 which is higher than the Uttarakhand average of 963. In Pundet village, the population of children within age group of 0-6 yrs is 36. The child sex ratio of Pundet village is 636 which is lower than the Uttarakhand average of 890.
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