Henry Purcell (1659-1695) revisited by Christina Pluhar .
*Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation* (00:00-01:36)
1. Come, Ye Sons Of Art Away, Z 323 - Strike The Viol (00:00)
2. Now That The Sun Hath Veiled His Light, Z 193 (03:52)
3. The Fairy Queen, Z 629 - O Let Me Weep (09:52)
4. Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z 328 - In Vain The Am'rous Flute (17:10)
5. Who Can From Joy Refrain?, Z 342 - A Prince Of Glorious Race Descended (21:43)
6. O Solitude, My Sweetest Choice, Z 406 (26:24)
7. Dido & Aeneas, Z 626 - When I Am Laid In Earth (31:47)
8. The Mock Marriage, Z 605 - Twas Within A Furlong (36:50)
9. Oedipus, King Of Thebes, Z 583 - Music For A While (39:44)
10. Hail! Bright Cecilia, Z 328 - Wondrous Machine (45:37)
11. Welcome To All The Pleasures, Z 339 - Here The Deities Approve (49:18)
12. Dido & Aeneas, Z 626 - Ah! Belinda (54:06)
13. Timon Of Athens, Z 632 - Hark! How The Songsters Of The Grove (58:17)
14. Secresy's Song, From The Fairy Queen, Z 629 - One Charming Night (1:01:06)
15. The Mock Marriage, Z 605 - Man Is For The Woman Made (1:05:46)
16. Timon Of Athens, Z 632 - Curtain Tune On A Ground (1:07:02)
17. Hallelujah / Leonard Cohen (1:09:59)
Philippe Jaroussky : countertenor
Raquel Andueza : soprano
Vincenzo Capezzuto : alto
Dominique Visse : countertenor
Gianluigi Trovesi : clarinet
Wolfgang Muthspiel : acoustic & alectric guitar
L'ARPEGGIATA / Christina Pluhar : direction
Recorded in 2013, at Paris
Find CMRR's recordings on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3016eVr
Christina Pluhar : « In 2003 we invited the great Italian jazz clarinettist Gianluigi Trovesi to appear on our album All'lmprovviso and improvise on Baroque bassi ostinati from seventeenth-century Italy. At that time we deliberately refrained from altering the original harmonies of these ostinato basses (or 'grounds' as they were known in England). It was only the melodic idiom of the jazz clarinettist, with his subtle timing, that differed from 'our' seventeenth-century musical language.
On Music for a while, however, we wished to underline the extraordinary modernity of Purcell's music by constantly moving between the centuries in the harmonies and styles of the improvisations. This change of musical style is often accomplished within a single bar of a piece by means of subtle rhythmic and harmonic modifications to the ground. The bass lines and melodies composed by Purcell remain intact, but the improvisatory style of the instruments suddenly switches centuries. Our listeners find themselves in a timeless music room.
I am especially glad that the wonderful Gianluigi Trovesi has again enriched this new project with his superb artistry, ten years after All'lmprovviso. I am also delighted that I was able to persuade my old school friend, the extraordinary jazz guitarist Wolfgang Muthspiel from Graz, to join our Purcell project. »
Henry Purcell PLAYLIST (reference recordings) : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3UZpQL9LIxNgRQk8s0xP0M3l2zHKcV1t