Welcome to Liesl's Artistic Studio! I hope you're ready for just some pure watercolor painting fun today because we are just going to relax and practice painting these simple, but beautiful wild flowers. These loose watercolor flowers are easy to paint, perfect for a beginner just starting out especially when you have this step--by-step tutorial to walk you through the process, but more importantly, we're going to have fun doing it! So... what are you waiting for? Let's get started! Flower Outlines Available for Easy Painting on my Etsy Shop! https://www.etsy.com/shop/lieslsartisticstudio/?etsrc=sdt GET NOTIFIED When Liesl's Limited Edition of Specially Designed Craftamo Brushes are available again for purchase!! https://www.craftamo.com/collections/collaborations/products/liesl-x-craftamo Set Includes Round #10, #6, #3, 1/4 Inch Angle Brush, Rigger #1 ANNOUNCING: Upcoming Liesl’s Artistic Studio Craftamo 12 Month Subscription Box!!- https://craftamo.com/products/liesl-artistic-studio-x-craftamo-watercolor-subscription-box Share This Painting With Me On My Facebook Page! Link Below: https://www.facebook.com/people/Liesls-Artistic-Studio/100082036685412/ Thinking of Subscribing?! Check out more tutorials on my art channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF02LI42Uv4Rw_xun5RD2Sg Supplies Used in This Tutorial! (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases) Watercolor Paper: Arches Watercolor Pad 9x12-inch Natural White 100% Cotton Paper (paid link) https://amzn.to/406ea4O Brushes: Round #8; Meeden Blue Brush Set (paid link) https://amzn.to/3DQmg92 Paint Brand: M. Graham & Co. Tube Paints (paid link) https://amzn.to/3ih0LXy https://amzn.to/3TbW6Es Paint Colors Used: Sap Green, Hookers Green, Phthalocyanine Blue, Azo Yellow, Dioxazine Purple, Quinacridone Rose, Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Orange, (Optional: Ivory Black) Meeden Brush Wash Bowl (paid link) https://amzn.to/47DKmBF Artist Tape: Hippie Crafter Artist Tape (paid link) https://amzn.to/3YemfnT Palette Tray: Meeden Porcelain/Ceramic Palette Tray, 17 Wells (paid link) https://amzn.to/3ICrHvY Meeden Products: (paid link) https://meedenart.com/?sca_ref=4113358.ibIgQZncWB Music: "The Voyage" written and performed by (Me!) Liesl Pure Painting Fun! Simple, Relaxing, & Stress Free: Step-by-Step Loose Watercolor Wildflowers! #watercolorflowers #wildflowers #watercolorpainting #watercolorwildflowers #beginnerwatercolor #easyflowerpainting #easywatercolortutorial