This is part two in my series on Servo Control using DCC EX. This is to show programming and operation of servo control for turnouts using push button control.
Link to my previous video on the initial setup of DCC EX with a PCA9685 to control ServoTurnouts:
Link to the DCC EX website showing the usable pins on an Arduino Mega:
Link to the files used for this demo. NOTE...This is ONLY the 3 folders created for the project, NOT the entire Command Station folder. Copy these into your command station folder THEN open Arduino IDE, they should be there.
Link to my video on using PCA9685 to control LED's:
Link to my video on setting up DCC EX with I/O Expanders:
0:00 Start
1:57 Setting Up Latching Switching
5:11 Using Arduino IDE and Defining Turnouts
7:30 Defining Aliases
9:37 Writing the Sequences and Uploading the Sketch
13:02 Latching Switch Demo
15:04 Setting Up Momentary Switches
17:22 Using Arduino IDE and Defining Turnouts
19:26 Defining Aliases
23:16 Writing the Sequences and Uploading the Sketch
34:33 Momentary Switch Demo
36:54 Demo buttons with no Delay
37:54 Routes and Automations