Kidney infections are called pyelonephritis. They are a serious urinary tract infection that spreads to the kidneys and are usually caused by bacteria such as Escherichia coli. It may be acute or chronic. Symptoms include fever, chills, pain in the back or abdomen, nausea, vomiting, burning when urinating, cloudy or smelly urine, and in severe cases, confusion. It is very important to treat them quickly to avoid complications such as kidney damage or sepsis. Treatment usually involves antibiotics and in severe situations, hospitalization. Prevention of urinary infections and early treatment are essential to avoid pyelonephritis. In this video I delve into all these points.
0:00 Kidney infections
0:24 What is pyelonephritis
1:09 Symptoms of pyelonephritis
1:54 Types of pyelonephritis
3:44 Is it more common in women or men?
4:35 At what age is it most common?
6:07 Causes of pyelonephritis
9:32 Complications
11:36 How do I know if I have pyelonephritis?
13:10 Treatment
15:40 How long does the treatment last?
16:56 How to prevent kidney infections
18:59 Recommended videos
Dr. Alberto Sanagustín.
#alsanagust #health #pyelonephritis #renal infection #medicine
★ The videos on this channel are for informational purposes only. They are in no way intended to replace direct medical advice. If you have or think you have any symptoms, signs or diseases described in these videos, you should always consult your doctor. Nothing can replace the direct doctor-patient relationship.
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I am Dr. Alberto Sanagustín, family doctor and graduate in psychology. I make videos on health and medicine topics. I delve into diseases (symptoms, causes, treatments), natural remedies and medicinal plants, food, nutrients and curiosities about health and the human body.