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【純淨素食】超級好吃 * Q彈多汁 * 菇排米漢堡|自制美味酱汁|米饭不散有秘密|Juicy|Delicious|Flavorful Sauce|Easy King Oyster Mushrooms

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【純素蘑菇米漢堡Vegan Mushroom Rice Burgers】 本食譜為4人份 This recipe serves 4 |自制照燒醬食材 Homemade Teriyaki Sauce Ingredients: • 醬油4湯匙 4 tbsp soy sauce • 楓糖漿3湯匙 3 tbsp maple syrup • 現磨薑蓉1湯匙 1 tbsp freshly grated ginger paste • 水約150克 About 150g water |自制是拉差醬食材 Homemade Vegan Sriracha Mayo Ingredients: • 楓糖漿2湯匙 2 tbsp maple syrup • 嫩豆腐200克 200g silken tofu • 純素黃芥末醬2湯匙 2 tbsp vegan yellow mustard • 純素辣椒醬2-6湯匙 2-6 tbsp vegan chilli sauce • 橄欖油/亞麻籽油4湯匙 4 tbsp olive oil/flaxseed oil • 檸檬汁1湯匙 1 tbsp lemon juice • 蘋果醋2茶匙 2 tsp apple cider vinegar • 鹽適量 Salt to taste |純素米漢堡食材 Vegan Rice Burger Ingredients: • 大杏鮑菇4個 4 large king oyster mushrooms • 熱米飯/壽司飯4碗約600克 4 bowls of hot rice/sushi rice (about 600g) • 再來米粉(粘米粉)6茶匙 6 tsp rice flour • 油適量 Oil as needed • 牛油果2個切片 2 avocados, sliced • Heirloom大番茄1個 1 heirloom tomato • 熟食海苔12張 12 sheets of nori • 百里香適量 Thyme to taste • 羅勒適量 Basil to taste • 芽苗適量 Microgreens to taste Tips: 1. 如果杏鮑菇不夠大,數量可加倍,本食譜的杏鮑菇一個可製作2片菇排 If the king oyster mushrooms are not large enough, double the quantity. Each mushroom can make 2 patties in this recipe. 2. 百里香、羅勒和芽苗可以用其它自己喜歡的蔬菜代替,比如生菜、紫蘇葉、紫甘藍等,建議至少加入一種香草葉,提升香味 Thyme, basil, and microgreens can be substituted with other vegetables like lettuce, perilla leaves, or purple cabbage. Adding at least one herb is recommended to enhance the flavor. 「照燒醬製作 Teriyaki Sauce Preparation:」 1. 將所有照燒醬食材放入一個碗中攪拌均勻 Mix all teriyaki sauce ingredients in a bowl until well combined 2. 取出1/3,用來給米餅刷醬汁用 Set aside 1/3 for brushing the rice patties 「純素是拉差醬製作 Vegan Sriracha Mayo Preparation:」 (怕辣,此醬可省略) (If you prefer less spice, this sauce can be omitted) 1. 把所有純素是拉差醬食材放入一個容器,用手持攪拌器低速攪拌至濃稠備用 Blend all vegan sriracha mayo ingredients in a container with a hand blender on low speed until thick, set aside. 2. 當天吃不完,可放冰箱,冷藏保存3-5天,儘快食用 If not consumed on the same day, store in the refrigerator for 3-5 days and use promptly. 「菇排製作 Mushroom Patties Preparation:」 1. 清洗杏鮑菇後切下傘蓋,並把傘蓋切成薄片 Clean king oyster mushrooms, remove the tops, and slice thinly. 2. 鍋中加水煮沸,加1茶匙鹽,將蘑菇焯水5-8分鐘,過涼水后撈出控幹 Boil water in a pot, add 1 tsp salt, blanch mushrooms for 5-8 minutes, then cool in cold water and drain. 3. 用刀在蘑菇上縱向切開一個口,然後以螺旋方式片成一整片 Make a vertical cut with a sharp knife, then slice in a spiral pattern to create a whole piece. 4. 用刀在杏鮑菇片上輕輕劃十字,有紋理就好,不要劃透,用敲肉錘輕輕敲打杏鮑菇片的每一面,直至菇肉變得鬆軟。 如沒有肉錘,用刀背多敲幾次也可以 Lightly score the mushroom slices in a crosshatch pattern, then tenderize with a meat mallet until soft. If you don't have a meat mallet, use the back of a knife. 5. 不粘鍋中加入少許油,中火加熱。 用中火將杏鮑菇片及之前切下的杏鮑菇傘蓋片煎至兩面焦黃,約4到6分鐘 Heat a non-stick pan with a little oil over medium heat, fry mushroom slices and the previously cut tops until golden on both sides, about 4-6 minutes. 6. 倒入2/3的照燒醬汁,小火繼續煎至收汁 Add 2/3 of the teriyaki sauce and continue to cook on low heat until the sauce is absorbed. 7. 煎好的杏鮑菇片分成2小片菇排,每個約一個漢堡大小,共8片 Divide the cooked mushroom slices into 2 smaller pieces, each about burger-sized, making a total of 8 pieces. Tips: 杏鮑菇纖維非常多,多敲幾下使纖維鬆散,這樣做出來的菇排餅,才會既能嚼動又不失筋道 King oyster mushrooms have a lot of fibers. Tenderizing them thoroughly ensures that the patties are chewy yet tender. 「米餅製作 Rice Patty Preparation:」 1. 從鍋中取出4碗剛焖好的熱米飯,趁熱加入再來米粉(粘米粉),拌均勻,這樣做的米餅不會散 Remove 4 bowls of freshly cooked hot rice from the pot, mix in rice flour while hot to prevent the rice patties from falling apart. 2. 把保鮮膜鋪在漢堡模具中,加入半碗米飯,用力壓實成餅。 如果沒有模具,用手把米飯反覆揉捏成圓球狀,壓扁,再稍微整理邊緣即可,共8個米餅 Line a burger mold with plastic wrap, add half a bowl of rice, and press firmly into a patty. If you don't have a mold, shape the rice into balls with your hands, flatten them, and smooth the edges. Repeat for all rice to make 8 rice patties. 3. 不粘鍋刷少許油,放入米餅,小火煎至1面金黃,約5-8分鐘 Brush a non-stick pan with a little oil, add the rice patties, and fry on low heat until one side is golden, about 5-8 minutes 4. 米餅翻麵,用照燒醬刷上金黃色的一面,另一面繼續煎2到3分鐘,直到稍微焦黃,中間可反覆兩面塗刷醬汁。 煎好后取出晾涼 Flip the rice patties, brush the golden side with teriyaki sauce, and continue frying the other side for 2-3 minutes until slightly golden, brushing with sauce intermittently. Remove and let cool Tips: 1. 加入少量再來米粉,不僅增加粘性,也會保存米粒的完整性,口感更好 Adding a small amount of rice flour not only increases stickiness but also preserves the integrity of the rice grains, resulting in a better texture. 3. 本食譜中,一碗米飯約150克,四碗共600克 In this recipe, one bowl of rice is about 150 grams, four bowls total 600 grams 「米漢堡組裝 Assembling the Rice Burgers:」 1. 牛油果切片、番茄切片 Slice avocado and tomato. 2. 取煎好的米餅一片,然後在上面擺放一層牛油果片和3片海苔片 Take one fried rice patty and layer it with avocado slices and 3 sheets of nori. 3. 繼續放上2個菇排片和一些自製的是拉差醬(如果不吃辣,可以用其他喜歡的醬料代替,也可直接省略這一步,味道依然非常棒,只是風格不同) Add 2 mushroom patties and some homemade sriracha mayo (if you prefer less spice, substitute with another sauce or skip this step; it will still taste great but have a different style). 4. 放上一片番茄,最後放芽苗、百里香、羅勒,蓋上另一片米餅就完成了 Top with a tomato slice, microgreens, thyme, and basil, then cover with another rice patty to complete the burger.
