In this video, we answer your questions about our Russian Blue, Kimchee. We have had many questions and want to give everyone as much information as we can, so that if anyone is interested in getting their very own Russian Blue. Most of the questions was about my cat allergy and how we are dealing with Russian blue cat as it is considered to be hypoallergenic. Kimchee is a very loving and calm cat and we feel very lucky to have him. We hope we answered all your questions.
DISCLAIMER: In the video we discuss how we deal with cat allergies. The information we give you is based off of our severity to the cat allergy and with the help of daily allergy medicine (singulair).
If there are any question we may have missed, please leave them in the comment section. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe.
Kimchee's Instagram-
Cooking channel Chef Aishwarya's Kitchen-
#hypoallergenic #russianbluecat #q&a #catallergy #cat #catvideo #pets #hypoallergenicpet