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00:00 When people put on tefillin incorrectly at Chabad stations, are they yotzei?
04:17 To what extent is the criticism against Peshuto shel Mikra valid? How can we trust haskamos?
13:30 If a kippah is just a minhag, why is it considered so valuable in Masechet Kiddushin?
17:07 Should someone wear a kippah when going to a bar, for example?
19:20 How do we reconcile the simple words with Chazal's interpretation of Esav's kiss? Especially since Esav was so irate before?
24:52 Rachel is criticized on honoring her father when she hid Lavan's idols, but Avraham is lauded when he smashed Terach's idols. What is the difference?
27:23 Where do we draw the line between davening for someone and calling that someone a rasha?
33:54 Do laws relying on the land apply to hydroponics? To seaweed in the ocean?
38:55 Why in Hebrew grammar do numbers switch between feminine and masculine?
39:54 What can we learn from Devorah, the nursemaid of Rivka?
45:20 Should we fear Trump's meeting with Kanye, and should we retract our support?
49:15 How did we get away with Haftarah when we were forbidden to read the Torah?
52:34 What is included under 'wisdom among the gentiles'?
57:36 Why is Moreh Nevuchim not encouraged reading nowadays?
1:05:19 Was the Torah meant to have machlokes?
1:12:28 What do we do with Midrashim?
1:17:04 Are stories in the Torah what really happened, or are they metaphors for deep spiritual truths?
1:20:37 And are these creatures-- the werewolf, the phoenix, etc.-- metaphors or literal? Must they be accepted?
1:22:12 How can one follow the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch in an abridged Pesukei dZimrah when one davens nusach Sefard?
1:24:37 What is the difference in kedusha of the Torah and that of Neviim?
1:26:01 Is vinegar good for teeth or not?
1:27:22 How did the three-year cycle work with the parshiyos?
1:30:03 How can one answer someone who wants to go to a club or a bar, when they won't accept that it's not how a ben Torah behaves?
1:31:49 How could Og have survived everything despite being such a rasha?
1:34:08 Who split up Tehillim into the 30-day cycle?
1:36:49 If time is infinite, how can Hashem be outside it?
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