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Qasasul Ambia {The stories of the Prophets} - Part 3/4

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The Stories of Prophets {alaihis salaam} There is one thing that Islaam has done that no other religion before has done and that is to preserve and to present the true stories of the Prophets {alaihis salaam} that have been sent to guide mankind by Allaahu ta'aalaa. The real stories of the Prophets {alaihis salaam} are contained within Qur'an al-kareem and Hadiith ash-shariif and dispel some of the distortions that are carried in Judaism and Christianity. But more so, Islam focuses on the learning points. The stories of the Prophets {alaihis salaam} are neither entertainment nor tales to tell our kids -- they are real lessons for humanity because our human nature has not changed and we will fall into the same mistakes as those generations that have preceded us. There are many civilisations that came before the modern world. The people of Hadrath Nooh {alaihis salaam}, the people of Hadrath Ibrahim {alaihis salaam}, the people of Hadrath Ad and Thamud {alaihis salaam}, and many more -- each one of these peoples weren't saved by their 'civilised' ways; some were punished by Allaahu ta'aalaa -- a severe punishment -- because of their disobedience and rejection of Guidance from Allaahu ta'aalaa. We need to ask ourselves if we are falling into committing the same sins as our forefathers.
