Chapter 1: Nostalgic Rhapsody and Love Complaint 00:00:00
Chapter 2: Warnings about the Caprices of the Ego 00:05:46
Chapter 3: Praise of the Prophet 00:16:22 ﷺ
Chapter 4: On The Prophet's Birth ﷺ 00:40:02
Chapter 5: The Prophet's Miracles ﷺ 00:45:20
Chapter 6: The Nobility of the Qur’an and its Merit 00:55:55
Chapter 7: The Prophet’s Miraculous Night Journey and Celestial Ascension 01:02:03
Chapter 8: The Prophet’s Jihad 01:10:04
Chapter 9: Seeking Intercession through the Prophet ﷺ 01:14:32
Chapter 10: Intimate Discourse and the Petition of Needs 01:19:29
Burdah Finale 01:32:47
Composed By: Imam al-Busiri Rahmatullah Alaihi
Recited By: Moulana Mohammed Asad Ali, Sidi Nizamuddin Babariya, Moulana Sayyid Muhammad Samdani
Audio By: Raza Sounds
Mawlid event held in Bolton (UK) on Saturday 8th October 2022 at MA Mission Bolton.
Instagram: mamissionbolton
Twitter: MA_Mission_BL
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