...it’s Anachronistic Torment.
The Quake II mission packs are an entirely forgettable effort to offer players a fresh perspective on the invasion of Stroggos. Can the 2023 Nightdive Remaster redeem what used to be a historically miserable experience?
Completing the trilogy is Ground Zero, a game that shouldn't represent the Quake franchise and yet it wears the title.
belonging to a period other than that being portrayed.
Fun fact, the turret at 13:16 is a unique entity: the machine gun turret, the only one in the game. The remaster restored its original function which, due to a coding error, reverted to a blaster turret in the original release.
#quake #quake2 #fps #retrogaming #nightdivestudios
One final thank you to @sonicmayhemofficial for creating the OST to Ground Zero.
Also a big shoutout to @MarphitimusBlackimus who tipped me off about the existence of the compass in the original release.
This channel is continuing to host the gaming-focused content of @MasterJedi04