00:00:00 Intro
00:02:32 Quarter 1 — The Kickoff
00:18:15 Quarter 2 — Mike Ditka Could Not Be Reached For Comment
00:35:57 Quarter 3 — The Final Season For Digital Pictures
00:49:46 Quarter 4 — Play-By-Play Paralysis
01:04:28 Post Credits
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/pandamoniumnick
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/pandamoniumnick
Follow Athena Massey:
Tit0’s channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCKH9cwClNEbloCng6-4_D-w
It's amazing that this game exists. From the creators of Night Trap comes a spectacle reminiscent of the experimental 90's video game industry. Prepare yourselves for the ultimate masterclass of sports immersion — a full motion video football game. All of the action and controllability is comprised of live action video clips, featuring celebrity coach Mike Ditka shouting at you in between plays. Within its development are the tales of a dying company and the unique experience this provided its actors.
Tracklist: https://pastebin.com/raw/Je1YKjQj
Welcome to the series where I review every single Sega Saturn game released in North America by order of release date. It is produced in association with SHIRO! Media Group: https://www.segasaturnshiro.com/
I made a spreadsheet with all the games satakore.com has as American releases, listing them off by order of release date, including sources. All the games are narrowed down to the day they came out in the U.S. Big thanks to Pimpeaux for the years of research help. (Her channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Pimpeaux)
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