Fun & Interesting

QUICK, EASY CLUSTERS!! - INSPIRED BY CARRIE @ThePaperMonkey #mixedmediamarch25

Crafted By Christy 835 18 hours ago
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I saw Carrie do this, and thought YES! Why can't I do that?? Just lay pieces down, don't think, and it worked! This was by far the best cluster-making session I have ever done. In my eyes anyway. I was pleased with each, and every one, and it was super fast! Thank you for watching, and thank you Carrie for the inspiration. Etsy: Email: [email protected] Amazon Store - Crafted by Christy Favorites - -Commission Earned - As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases Video mentioned - @ThePaperMonkey - Let's Make Paper Snippets with a Frankenpaper Flair #giveascrap #junkjournal #craft - For paper supplies, and kits, I get a lot from Wendy @paperedrooster4050. She has on-line sales, and this is her channel - #junkjournal #diy #diycrafts #handmade #handemadejournal #handmadebooks #upcyclying #repurposing #mixedmedia #mixedmediamarch25 #gelliprintingideas #junkjournalephemera
