Hello watercolor friends! Saturday I'll be doing a paintalong - photo reference and supply list is in the video here: https://youtu.be/1omWbqJXRDk
See supplies below as well as the blog post that has more info and pinnable images: https://bit.ly/3OrocLy
═╬════════ W E B S I T E S ════════╬═
B L O G : https://sandyallnock.com
C L A S S E S : https://art-classes.com
A R T V E N T U R E N E T W O R K : https://artventure.mn.co
A R T S U P P L I E S : https://sandyallnock.com/studiosnacks/
B O O K : https://biblejournalingmadesimple.com
F I N E A R T : http://sandyallnockfineart.com
C O L O R C H A R T S : https://art-classes.com/charts
═╬════════ S O C I A L ════════╬═
A R T V E N T U R E : https://artventure.mn.co
I N S T A G R A M 1 : http://instagram.com/sandyallnock
I N S T A G R A M 2 : http://instagram.com/sandyallnockfineart
P A T R E O N : http://patreon.com/sandyallnock
F A C E B O O K: https://www.facebook.com/sandyallnockllc
T W I T T E R: https://twitter.com/sandyallnock
═╬════════ S U P P L I E S ════════╬═
Some product may be provided by manufacturers for review and use. Compensated affiliate links may be used, but this video was not sponsored or requested by any manufacturer. For affiliate and product disclosure, visit https://sandyallnock.com/faq - My trusted partners in art: https://sandyallnock.com/partners
Sketch a Day by Lake Michigan Book Press https://bit.ly/3c5rfFz
Artist tape 3/4" https://amzn.to/3rF90MT
House of Hoffman Palette - https://bit.ly/3hH5fnP
Daniel Smith watercolors used:
Sap Green: https://bit.ly/35aC3P7
Green Apatite: https://bit.ly/2Mr49yQ
Phthalo Blue Turquoise: https://bit.ly/3kTQCeV
Cobalt Blue: https://bit.ly/3nq9Da
Green Gold: https://bit.ly/3905LHE
Payne's Blue Gray: https://bit.ly/38bdcwm
Winsor Newton Kolinsky Sable Series 7 Round #8 https://amzn.to/2WjFI8e
Da Vinci Series 17 Maestro Long Needle, Size 9 https://amzn.to/2TZsFYs
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My Sony A7iii camera is mounted on a DSLR stand: https://bit.ly/3uChLbb
For 20% discount on any purchase at https://arkon.com use coupon code sandyallnock
Details on how I produce video: https://bit.ly/37DttJ5