A couple weeks ago I showed you my first experiment with quilt as you go on my Moxie Longarm Machine (Experiment 1 is here: https://youtu.be/AFRtsyLTgZk) where I did a lot of stitching and flipping and hiding raw edges.
This time I went much simpler and just layered large scraps of fabric and quilted with tight matchstick quilting to stop anything popping open.
It (plus the fabric choice) resulted in a very different look. I like both techniques but this is definitely the simpler of the two I have tried so far.
I have a couple other ideas I want to try so I will do more of these experiment videos in the future but I have a few more quilts I want to get finished first so it won't be super soon. I'll try to remember to link them here when I do!
00:00 Quilt-As-You-Go on a Longarm with Raw Edges
00:39 Fabric Pull
00:49 Raw Edge Layering
04:47 Close Up View
08:27 Longarm Quilting with Music
13:00 Finished Quilt
13:15 Making a Quilted Wall Hanging on a Frame
14:18 Quilted Tote Bags
My longarm is a HANDIQUILTER MOXIE: https://shrsl.com/3yv0s
HANDI QUILTER SQUARE FEET: https://shareasale.com/m-pr.cfm?merch...
The thread I use is ISACORD: https://shrsl.com/3yv0v
Looking for Quilt-As-You-Go on a DOMESTIC MACHINE? Check out these videos:
My New Favorite QAYG Method Part 1: https://youtu.be/wnBwdTLm4Aw
My New Favorite QAYG Method Part 2: https://youtu.be/I5dxdZS8vHk
QAYG Denim and Scraps Quilt: https://youtu.be/8-Fyf3kQCVg
7 Quilt-As-You-Go Methods No Hand Sewing: https://youtu.be/rfTfgzZ7bRk
Queen Size Quilt As You Go Quilt: https://youtu.be/xXi9CqoRFmQ
Quilt as You Go Wall Hanging in a Frame: https://youtu.be/BkJ46ajaPJg
Quilt As You Go Scrappy Coasters: https://youtu.be/dzM5_FAwbCs
Note: I am an Accuquilt, Amazon, Sewing Machines Plus & Etsy affiliate so if you use any of the product links in my video descriptions and make a purchase I will make a small referral fee at no extra cost to you.