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QUINCE COLLECTION - Many Uses of the Quince Tree

Craftsteading 1,732 5 years ago
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This video is about QUINCE COLLECTION In this video I show you many ways to use almost all parts of a quince tree. The quinces we eat are the species Cydonia oblonga. There are also ornamental flowering quinces, such as Chinese Quince (pseudocydonia sinensis and Chaenomeles cathayensis) and Japanese Flowering Quince ( Chaenomeles japonica and C. speciosa). Those ornamental ones are edible too, but they don't have the same wonderful flavour as Cydonia oblonga. Quince has many uses. It's edible, drinkable, and medicinal; the wood is highly prized for its strength, beauty and durability, and the seed mucilage has a wide range of applications. The quince tree's flowers and fruit can both be eaten. The leaves are used to make tea. Quinces are also a source of other drinks, gum, size and pectin. Even the astringent stem bark and the unripe fruit are used to prepare medicines. Quince trees are also highly sought-after for bonsai. Medicinally, various parts of the quince are said to be Antiinflammatory, Antivinous, Astringent, Cardiac , Carminative, Demulcent, Digestive, Diuretic , Emollient, Expectorant, Hypotensive, Laxative , Pectoral, Refrigerant, Restorative , Stimulant and Tonic. A mucilage obtained from the seed coats of quinces is used as a gum arabic substitute. It is painted onto surfaces to add gloss. In the 19th century this mucilage was called "bandoline". It was used by hairdressers to keep hair in place. Perfumers used it in their formulas, too. The golden apples of Trojan legend were probably quinces.
