R Maps: Beautiful Interactive Choropleth & Scatter Maps with Plotly
0:00 Intro
0:28 Reading in data (Choropleth)
1:44 Building base graph (Choropleth)
3:06 Functional & aesthetic changes (Choropleth)
8:02 Reading in data (Scatter map)
8:02 Building Base graph (Scatter map)
9:30 Functional & aesthetic changes (Scatter map)
11:50 Further reading
Learn how to make beautiful interactive maps in R in just a few minutes! Plotly isn't always the best mapping solution for some problems, but overall, it can function really well.
Code: https://github.com/abhimotgi/dataslice/blob/master/R/Maps%20in%20R.R
Plotly maps documentation:
US Minimum Wage by States: https://www.kaggle.com/lislejoem/us-minimum-wage-by-state-from-1968-to-2017
US States & Codes: https://worldpopulationreview.com/states/state-abbreviations
UFO Sightings: https://www.kaggle.com/NUFORC/ufo-sightings