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Amidst blame from all the widows, including Ammaji, Gangaa is accused of bringing a curse upon them due to her encounter with the young saint. Upon returning home, Ammaji, consumed with anger, exposes Gangaa's actions during their meeting with the saint. Her fury escalates upon discovering street food particles on the floor, leading to a confrontation with Barkha for breaking household rules. Ammaji imposes a day-long fast as punishment, which Barkha initially refuses but later agrees to under Mamta's assurance. Meanwhile, despite Sudha Bua's intervention, the widows forcibly remove Gangaa from the house.
Show Name : Gangaa
Producer/Star Cast : Aditi Sharma,Vishal Vashishtha,Shakti Anand,Hiten Tejwani,Gungun Uprari,Raj Singh Verma,Sushmita Mukherjee
Episode No : 365
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About Gangaa :
Ganga is a Hindi drama television series starring Aditi Sharma, Vishal Vashishtha, Ruhana Khanna, Shakti Anand and Hiten Tejwani. The story revolves around Ganga, a small girl who gets married at a tender age and turns widow on the same day. As she grows up she becomes friends with Sagar and gradually their friendship turns into love.
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Rahat ने किया Gangaa को Rescue | Gangaa Full Ep 365 | 19 Jul 16 | Aditi | Sagar | @andtvchannel