Day#20(noon), picking up shortly following our late episode, all the long distance trains have arrived at their destinations, and we need to be getting on with some local deliveries.
Our Alarka-local G26 is set up and ready to haul the freight drops to all points down to Nantahala, so that can get going. Our C40 is up at Robinson Gap, with the next load of coal, and will pick up the Alarka Ore Mine returns on the way through the junction. We've got another passenger run to set up from Alarka to Sylva. And finally, our new T22 can run the local deliveries to Dillsboro and Sylva. Going to be a busy time...
Next time, we'll be dropping off the Whittier and Bryson freight for the day, making those deliveries and our Alarka-local will return to Alarka with that towns deliveries, so still a lot left to do. Not sure we're even half way yet!!
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