In a series of videos you will learn all about the heart of the Carpathians - the beautiful city of Rakhiv, which is called Hutsul Paris. In 7 days I was probably in all the interesting places of Rakhiv region and I will be able to convey them to you in video, I will introduce you to interesting Hutsuls and their traditions. So see the first part - getting to know this cool city. I am very grateful for full and meaningful stories and excursions
- Ivan Berkeli, who can give you an interesting tour (mt 0972229246).
- horseback riding on Shoymul Mountain with Mr. Mykhailo (mt 0989441588)
- Landscape excursions to the mountains by car with experienced drivers "Adrenaline Tour" (mt.0932731101).
If you really want to enjoy the curiosities