Tyler Grey is a former Delta Force operator as well as an actor, technical advisor and producer on the show Seal Team.
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Our content is NOT intended as professional advice. We are not medical or legal professionals, any advice received and or acted upon from this channel should be done so at your own risk. We do not encourage anyone to emulate the food challenges we conduct or the consumption of alcohol. The FNG Academy LLC insists that no one recreate or reenact any stunts, or challenges seen on this channel
Opinion Disclaimer. The views and opinions expressed by The FNG Academy YouTube Channel, including all program participants, are solely their own current opinions regarding events and are based on their own perspective and opinion – it is the opinion and perspective of the interviewees. Such views, opinions, and/or perspectives are intended to convey a life story, are based on recollections about events in their lives on which conflicting memories may exist, and are not intended to malign any individual, religion, ethnic group, or company.