There are a lot of stage elements to help players build levels in super mario maker 2. These include terrain, items, and enemies but there is also a fourth and very important group gizmos. This section basically acts as the "other" section for super mario maker 2's stage elements menu. Many of these gizmos range from being near useless like banzai bills to being nearly essential like on off blocks and checkpoints. So today I thought it would be fun to rank all 42 gizmos in super mario maker 2 from the worst to the best along with putting them into a tier list!
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0:00 Intro
1:19 Near Useless Tier
4:57 Very Niche Tier
9:09 Niche Tier
13:34 Pretty Helpful Tier
19:28 Useful Tier
23:56 Very Useful Tier
28:32 Top Tier
31:40 Outro
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