Thank you guys for another great year of movies!! This channel has grown a little but I am very proud of it and have had lots of fun making these videos. Lets hope for another great year!
Let me know you thought in the comments section down below. I would love to hear your opinions!
Thank you for all the support recently I really appreciate every comment, every like, every subscriber and of course every view!
Thank you hope you enjoy!
New Release Ranking:
Certified Nerdy!
Go out and watch it!
Wait for streaming!
Don’t even bother!
Dumpster Fire!
Other Movie Ranking:
Certified Nerdy!
Own It!
Rent/Stream It
Don’t even bother!
Dumpster Fire!
Instagram: @Leos_nerd_talk
TikTok: @Leos_nerd_talk
#movierating #movie #film #ranked #ranking #2024