The long anticipated STAR WARS EDITION is here! If you’ve missed the previous parts:
There are so many new Star Wars birds that it can take up an entire video! I scoured the internet in an attempt to find them all, but let me know if there are any I missed!
The cantina band song is copyrighted but I just HAD to include so here is the cover I used:
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0:00 Intro
0:55 EVERY Bird
2:05 Luke Skywalker
2:41 Obi-Wan Kenobi
3:19 Han Solo
3:55 Blue Squadron
4:22 Chewbacca
4:50 C-3PO
5:55 R2-D2
6:36 Princess Leia
7:20 Lando Calrissian
7:53 Yoda Bird
8:49 Mighty Millennium Falcon
9:25 Muftak
10:24 Nien Nunb
10:39 Jawas
10:55 Gungans
11:29 Plo Koon
11:47 Ki-Adi-Mundi
12:13 Yoffar
12:38 Red and Yellow Security Officers
12:52 Captain Security Officer
13:09 Spies
13:25 Qui-Gon Jinn
13:53 Young Anakin
14:18 Anakin Skywalker
15:16 Padme Amidala
15:43 Mace Windu
16:17 Jar Jar Binks
16:51 Jedi Younglings
17:10 Captain Panaka
17:24 Kit Fisto
17:49 Wicket the Ewok
18:08 Carbonite Han Solo
18:40 Ezra Bridger
19:21 Kanan Jarrus
19:40 Zeb Orrelios
19:58 Hera Syndulla
20:19 Sabine Wren
20:42 Chopper
21:13 Final Rankings