I made this video because we just left another limited banner. It gives me the chance to give another take on the one I did a few months ago while also adding some new operators they released on CN to the mix
Nymph clear: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV12J4m1T74R/?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click
1. Hortus de Escapismo Battle Theme - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB68kCGbnAs
2. Inudi Harek, Horakhet Battle Theme - https://youtu.be/Yy7q3BA07hs?si=YlUUSi1V199LUbck
3. Come Catastrophes or Wakes of Vultures Boss OST - https://youtu.be/gH_lxnFRiFg?si=YCZ821sAz56IHpXw
4. Blue Archive OST 84. PRST Marching - https://youtu.be/7K4v6eKqgQg?si=fKOUeGR1Vul7MwBl
5. Narantuya OST - https://youtu.be/3mcC4RLYl50?si=X_KQbBDdJKk2-gMF
6. Der Hexenkönig - https://youtu.be/yJSXFmDZ3Ew?si=wI12U_-Fpun-ylY_
7. Babel Battle Theme - https://youtu.be/QoaeY0Baeyk?si=fg0tsXJqmNuktSLF
8. Out of my Hands from PGR - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ4Fay0xn0Y
9. Babel Boss OST - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-z_nV6ykb8
10. Steam Knight Boss OST - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmZoK9XW_LQ
0:00 11. Ash
3:23 10. Pepe
6:00 9. Ulpianus
8:57 8. Nymph
11:36 7. Narantuya
16:02 6. Reed Alter
19:15 5. Ascalon
21:39 4. Executor The Ex Foedere
25:09 3. Ela
29:06 2. Logos
31:31 1. Wis'adel