Wanted to make this for some months, and finally did. Everything you are about to see is just my own opinion about this game's OST.
Some of the background gameplay is not mine. Check it out here:
Jagando Invasion (Footage by Gasterr234): https://youtu.be/CFDbmn30UJE
Floor 50 (Footage by Lucas IV): https://youtu.be/R0Jr2CnyQTI
Filibuster Invasion (Footage by Nurse Wuffa): https://youtu.be/9yT-qguHXI8
That cat listening to music from the thumbnail: https://bc-character-creator-wiki.fandom.com/wiki/Headphones_Cat
I excluded collab stuff as I saw nearly 30 other OST pieces out there, I may be doing them in the future.
Some of the songs ranked have a tagged number next to their name (e.g. CotC Theme #2). I used the same tags as this guy Happy Owl, who was one of the first people to upload most of the OST to YouTube. As far as I know, these tags follow the same order as how the tracks are numbered in the game files.
Inquiry code that should have shown at 1:28 is 7df91fd86
Hope that having read this answers your questions about the video.
Have a nice day