Hi, i'm Marc! I operate this YouTube channel in which I produce content related to the roller coasters and theme parks of the world. Feel free to subscribe and support what I do :)
• Check out my Instagram page for live updates and trip announcements - https://www.instagram.com/coasterdash
• Check out my Merchandise Store to pick up a CoasterDash T-Shirt, Hoodie, Crewneck, Long Sleeve, or Mug - https://coasterdashmerch.creator-spring.com
• If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can reach me at “[email protected]”. I am also available via Instagram DMs.
• I have another YouTube channel, TravelDash. It focuses on the National Parks and natural beauty of America. Subscribe if you’d like to join me on my travels - https://youtube.com/@TravelDash?si=MI7zFOMv7SCBbdkk
• For my fellow creators, @NationalCoasters and I have partnered to create Front Seat POVs, home to the best non-copyright roller coaster POVs on YouTube - https://youtube.com/@FrontSeatPOVs?si=faMSx4CVgwEKJm9P
• Check out my Discord Server! It was created by a group of fans who are seeking additional members - https://discord.gg/Y28tt7CSsz
• Intro Credits
Northern Rides https://youtube.com/c/NorthernRidesYaBoi
Instagram: https://instagram.com/northern_rides?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
• Intro Music
Intro Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www.epidemicsound.com)
Composer: Elias Naslin,
Artist: Elbot
• Media Credits
Canobie Coaster https://youtube.com/@CanobieCoaster?si=j6Apt3D0r30VHJji
Europa-Park https://m.youtube.com/@EuropaParkChannel