There are 22 wishes in the original manga run of Dragon Ball. Despite their iconic imagery, the dragon balls are typically seen as conflict-solving plot devices that put everything neatly back into its place--rather than deeply meaningful or complex contributions to the story. But is this true? Do the wishes suck? Are they brilliant? Should Vegeta have wished to be taller?
#dbz #dragonball #anime
0:00 Introduction
0:45 1. Oolong Wishes for Panties
2:55 2. Goku revived Bora
5:07 3. Demon King Piccolo Gets Yung
6:15 4. The Homies Come back to life
7:30 5. Goku comes back to life
9:00 6. Kami and Piccolo are revived
10:04 7. Piccolo is brought to Namek
11:33 8. Popo’s wish
14:12 9. Dende wishes everyone to earth
15:18 10. Dende wishes to transport goku and krillin’s souls
16:36 11. krillins second revival
17:08 12. Yamcha is revived
18:36 13 and 14. Tien and chiaotzu are revived
19:06 15. Namekians go home
20:02 16. Cell’s victims are revived
21:20 17. Krillins wishes the androids bombs away
23:32 18. Yamcha wishes vegetas victims back to life
25:15 19. Earth is restored
28:30 20. The people of earth are revived
31:10 21. Gokus power is restored
32:28 22. Earths memories are erased