I finally decided to officially make a video Ranking Rare's N64 Games. You will certainly have let me know your thoughts and what you agree or disagree with. I think we can all agree...Rare made many great games on the Nintendo 64!
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#rareware #rare #nintendo64 #n64 #banjokazooie #donkeykong64 #banjotooie #conkersbadfurday #goldeneyen64 #perfectdark #killerinstinct #blastcorps #diddykongracing #jetforcegemini #mickeysspeedwayusa
Music Tracks used from their respective games:
Banjo Tooie - Jingaling's Throne Room, The End
Blast Corps - Glory Crossing
Donkey Kong 64 - Jungle Madness
Mario 64 - Inside Peache's Castle
Donkey Kong Country 3 - Wrinkly 64
Banjo Kazooie - Spiral Mountain, Title
Conker's Bad Fur Day - Windy and Co.
Killer Instinct Gold - Theme
Perfect Dark - Enter the Dark
007 Goldeneye - Main Theme
Diddy Kong Racing - Title, Central Hub
Mickey's Speedway USA - Title Theme
Jet Force Gemini - Title Theme
00:00 Intro
00:32 Number 11
01:51 Number 10
02:38 Number 9
03:30 Number 8
04:34 Number 007
05:37 Number 6
06:43 Number 5
07:57 Number 4
09:07 Number 3
10:11 Number 2
11:34 Number 1